
Thursday, 26 July 2012

Book Giveaway

Yesterday's review pile
We have had a baking hot and sunny week here in Cardiff so I thought to celebrate the sun finally appearing I would do a giveaway.  I spent yesterday working my way though my book review pile so decided I would share a couple of the books.

Pre-cut Combo Quilts

First up we have Pre-cut combo quilts by Debra Fehr Greenway which I just reviewed here.  This book is great for those of you who don't want to spend ages cutting fabric before you can start sewing and just want to get on with it (I'm very impatient like that!).  It's a nice change from the jelly roll books as it mixes up different pre-cuts such as layer cakes and charm squares as well as jelly roll strips.

Mend It Better

Secondly, we have Mend It Better, the essential guide to mending clothes. I reviewed this book back in April here.   It covers lots of useful techniques such as cover patches, pockets, hems, darning, fasteners & closures, zippers and decorative touches.

Ok, how to enter, if you want to win Pre-cut Combo Quilts please comment below to tell me about the last quilt you made (or are working on/planning to make)

If you want to win Mend It Better please tell me what the last thing was that you mended.  Bizzarely the last thing I mended was a toy chick which needed his wing reattaching!  My son is going through a stage of pulling his toy animals apart so there's a lot of animal repairs going on.


Congratulations to our winners:

Missielizzie who has won a copy of Mend It Better
Liz DandelionD who has won Pre-cut Combo Quilts

Thank you all for your entries, well done both winners I have e-mailed you to get your addresses.


  1. Can't decide which book I'd like best, so figure I'll answer both!

    I'm (still) making a quilt for my friend who got married in April. It's a double wedding ring ~ FAR too advance for a novice like me, but I'm struggling through!!

    The last thing I repaired was a piano ..... a fabric piano which was made for use on the stage! Full size and the keyboard had become detached from the base!

    There you go! The weird and wonderful world I live!!

    Thanks for SUCH a great site.

    All the best

    Sally B x

  2. The last quilt I made was in blue abd white patches with a huge colourful applique rainbow in the middle and the little boys name appliqued over the top. All bound in red with white stars.

    The last thing I mended was a zip on my little girls school pinafore.

    Fingers and toes crossed x

  3. I am making a patchwork quilt for my Dad with all the ties he used to wear to work before he retired. It is a king size bed quilt and I just have the edges to finish!
    I would love the quilting book.
    Thank, enjoy all the sunshine Alex

  4. Last thing I repaired was a rag doll (Vicky) whose arm was hanging on by a thread. She now dances with the rest of the girly gang in my daughters bedroom without fear that she may embarraress herself with an arm falling off. :) Sharon

  5. I am planning on making a christmas quilt with red scandi theme :) Sharon

  6. Can't decide either so am going to answer both as well:

    I am planning a quilt for my 8 months old nephew made out of scraps mum gave me. My brother and I used to have loads of things made out of these fabrics so it's a bit like returning into my own childhood.

    The last thing I mended were my rain trousers. They weren't cheap when I bought 4 1/2 years ago and I'm going to repair and wear them until they fall apart lol

  7. I repaired a leg on Ellie, my daughters elephant. Not quite sure how she lost it or where it is. We replaced it with a pink flowery fleecy leg so it would keep her warm in winter!!!
    Nicky x

  8. I am working on a grandmother flower garden scrap quilt

  9. So glad you gave us the option of quilts in the planning rather than just quilts completed as my to do list is a lot longer than my done list.

    I've an idea for a pinwheel sampler quilt, but then again I quite fancy a stained glass quilt and there is always the EPP quilt I want to start as it would be portable. Goodness knows what would get added to the list if I were to win the book.

  10. The last quilt I finished was my very first ever quilt! I was very excited :) Since then I've pieced another top, which is basted and waiting to be quilted and bound, and I've started piecing a tiny Hexagon Park (using charm squares instead of layer cake squares).

  11. The last thing I mended was a puppy who had lost an ear.

    I'd been putting off doing it for ages and my daughter was so happy when she woke up and found him with 2 ears again :)

    Kathryn x

  12. I'd love to win the Mend it book - the last thing I mended was the fax machine at work, but clothing wise I sewed a pocket back onto a shirt for my partner.

  13. Hmm, the last things I mended were four of my boyfriend's shirts. In true man fashion he holds onto favourite articles of clothing until they're unwearable, so I darned some holes, shortened some sleeves and took in the sides where he'd lost weight and they were too big for him.

    In return I got a happy boyfriend and dinner made for me!


  14. The last thing I mended was a pair of favourite jeans - I caught and tore the pocket so replaced it with a pocket from an old pair of jeans I had already cut up to use the leg as a hammock for our pet rats!

  15. ooh, i like the look of the pre-cut combo book. I have a few WIP, but too many to list here so i'll tell you about the one i'm planning. A mini union jack quilt for entry into the village show at the beginning of September. Now to find the time :-)

  16. Last thing I mended-bunnies trousers, they needed a new button. My lad managed to rip his teeshirt today so tonight I will be fixing that!

  17. aww both lovely books, so I'm answering both

    Last quilt I made was a classic 9 blocks and I love it. I'm making a crown quilt and a shabby chic...

    I never mended anything.. guess I need guidance!

  18. Bunnies trousers! Stupid phone and its text changing! It's suposed to say hubbies!

  19. I am answering both as they look fab and I cannot choose. Thank you for a fab giveaway.
    The last quilt I made was a small dresden quilt for my nightstand.
    The last thing I mended was my husband's tie!

  20. I can't choose so I'm going to answer both!
    At the moment I'm cutting out fabric for a 'granny square' quilt! they seem to be everywhere at the moment!
    The last thing I mended was my husband's shorts and his trousers!

  21. Last thing I mended was one of my daughter's dresses ready for her to sell it on ebay! I'm sure I added great value to the 99p purchase price...

  22. I would love to win Pre-Cut Combo book because I have a very special layer cake that I just don't know what to do with, so if I win, maybe I will have.
    I would love to make the Space Dust quilt pattern by Tula Pink.
    Thanks for a fun giveaway chance xxxx

  23. The last quilt I made was a bird quilt for my Nieces first Christmas. She just Loves birds and I thought she would enjoy the quilt as a play quilt(which she does but also loves to cuddle with it).

    The last thing I mended was my Dogs favorite toy highland cow that moos. She pulled one of the ears and tail out then brought it to my chair so I could fix it(HA!) Its about time to buy a new one.

    I LOVE the sewing directory I check it out everyday!


  24. I am planning a couple of quilts, one using precuts and one not, so would love the chance to win the quilting book :) Thanks for the chance :)

  25. I have never made a quilt but would love to try!

    The last thing I mended was my partners work jeans which he had burst at the bum!!

    Fingers crossed here, look like great books :)

    Michele x

  26. oh, I couldn't choose! so, Last thing mended, was my beloved Monsoon skirt, bought in the sale for £10! very thin cotton and catches on any little thing, eg cat claws! and rips. So it has about 4 mends so far!

    And my skill builder is ready to turn into a quilt when I decide, which blocks, where! And one block, blue and white, needs friendl;y blue and white blocks to go with it. For another quilt!

    Thanks for listening!

  27. The last thing I mended was the hem on my favourite work trousers which had been damaged from overuse. I'd love to win the book.

  28. Hi, the last thing I mended was a hole in the seam of my friend's little girls Jack Wills dress (a very precious item to a 12 year old, which made it a nerve wrecking task!). The dress was a hand-me-down from her big sister and I was taking it in when I discovered the hole. As a beginner sewer all in all a good job done, all involved very pleased with the results! A proud moment for me :-)

  29. I would love to win Pre-cut Combo Quilts! Thanks for the giveaway. I have nearly finished a quilt with the Ed Embererly Happy Drawing fabrics, just finishing the binding and hoping that the sun holds out so that I can get a decent photo!! x

  30. The last quilt I made was a sort of log cabin. I decided to call it Tumbledown because if the blocks really were log cabins they would tumble down!

    The last thing I mended was a pair of trousers for my mother - boring!

  31. The last quilt I made was a tumbling blocks pram quilt when I was pregnant with my youngest boy. We didn't have a lot of disposable income in those days so I made it with left over fabric from clothes i had made for the rest of us and it was all hand sewn and painstakingly quilted! I thought it was beautiful. When he was born my mother came to visit and all she had to say about it was "those aren't baby colours". I was so floored by her comment that I never made another quilt since! However, I now have quite a collection of gorgeous plains and florals and I'm mulling over what design to use for my next quilt.

  32. The last thing I mended was the felt paws of a teddy bear that I made for one of my boys when he was small. He still has it (bless him) and the felt was worn away so I replaced all the paws with fabric ones.

  33. Replaced buttons on a shirt. Does that count for mending? I am making a baby quilt now. I would love either of these wonderful books.

  34. I'm forever mending and altering. My best friend has lost a lot of weight so I keep altering her clothes. This weekend I have 2 skirts to mend where the stitching at the top of the stitch has ripped open making them a little too revealing!

  35. The quilt I'm currently working on is a starry quilt for a friend's birthday. Lots of stars of all shapes, colours and sizes made and sewn together. I just have to quilt it now - with starry free motion quilting. What a long task this has been! It's so much easier using pre-cut fabric than having to cut it all.

  36. The last thing I mended was the hem on my OH's trousers!

  37. I made my last quilt just last week! I made a sweet baby zig zag quilt with a Cape Ann charm pack, it turned out so pretty.

  38. the last thing I mended was my husbands giant pachamama wool cardigan, the binding had come off the sleeve and it was a stuggle getting it through the machine, it weighed a ton!

  39. The last thing I mended was holes in the knees of boys pyjamas, but with 3 boys, that mending it constant around here. Thanks for a great giveaway!

  40. Hi

    I have just finished making a Kiss, Hug and Squeeze quilt for my latest grandson, Robin, who is the boy of a set of twins. His quilt is yellow and green based on mostly Riley Blake fabrics. His sister, Cecilia Rose is getting a Wonky Circle of Stars pinky with drama quilt. Also Riley Blake fabric. Just love both of them but friends say the Kiss, Hug, Squeeze quilt is my best yet.

  41. The last quilt I made was for my guy friend from Primary School! I was the Stained QAL and I'm really happy with how it turned out :)
    I have a couple of jelly rolls and not sure what to do with them so this book looks great!

  42. I am collecting old shirts from charity shops for a log cabin quilt and my last mending job was my husbands trouser hems.
    josie dot passell at btinternet dot com

  43. I'd love Mend It Better! I often mend or alter clothing and would love to be able to do it that little bit more stylishly! The last thing i mended was a torn buttonhole which i fixed with some matching ribbon.

  44. I just realised that I don't think I emailed you to thank you for sending me this wonderful prize. I am so sorry. My internet was playing up at the time it arrived and it just dawned on me now.

    Thanks so much.
    kind regards


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