
Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Sewing Bucket List

Over the last 5 years, since launching The Sewing Directory, sewing has been something I have had to squeeze into the odd hour here and there when I wasn't working.  There have been so many things I wanted to make and no time to do it.  I've been limited to quick and easy projects to make the most of the small amount of sewing time I had.

I finally decided last year that working 7 days a week every possible hour was not good for me or my health so I have a new business partner starting and I will drop to working 4 days a week.  Which means suddenly I will have time to sew!

So now is time to remember all those projects I wanted to make and make a start on them.  I've decided to write a sewing bucket list of things I want to sew and new techniques I want to learn.  It's in no way a definitive list but just the things I want to start with first.

I've bought a couple of books in preparation for a couple of the new techniques I want to try: Applique Art (for free motion embroidery applique) and  First Steps in Free Motion Quilting.  I definitely want some time to work through the techniques in these books and have a go at some of the projects.

I've also bought a few of the patterns I've seen online that I wanted to have a go at including the Sew Together Bag that I've seen all over Instagram and really want to make, The Hazel Hedgehog pattern from Oh Fransson I have plans to incorporate this block into a project bag I want to make.

How cute is Hazel Hedgehog?  Image ©

I've been wanting to make an oven glove, a project bag for taking supplies to my sewing group, a new handbag, storage pockets to hang from the bed, a bag for my embroidery supplies, a pencil case, new cushion covers, a rag quilt for my son to finish plus I have close to 100 sewing books that I want to make projects from so I suspect I have enough to keep me busy for years!

I'm looking forward to rediscovering my love of sewing an trying new projects and techniques, and blogging about them as I go.

What do you plan to sew this year?  Any new techniques you are looking to master? 

Monday, 16 March 2015

New Business Partner and more Handmade Gifts

Apologies for the lack of blog posts lately.  It's been a manic few months, I have a new business partner starting next month and it's taken a lot of work to get to that point which hasn't left much time for blogging.

I'm pleased to announce that Sewing World editor, Julie Briggs, will be leaving the magazine at the end of this month and then starting with me me at The Sewing Directory mid April.  She will be focusing on the content side of the site building up more great projects, tutorials and features for you to read.  Find out more here. 

I've managed some sewing in between all the business side of things and have kept on track with my pledge to make a handmade gift a month.  In February I made my mum the yarn holder she wanted from the book Sew-Licious Little Things by Kate Haxell.  It was a mother's day present so I have it to her this weekend and she loved it.

 For March's handmade gift I made fabric boxes from the book Stylish Home Sewing by Torie Jayne.  I made the celtic one for my mum, and the woodland one for my mother in law - again both as mother's day gifts.

I couldn't resist making a few for myself to, they perfectly fit fat quarters of fabric in (around 25-30 per box) so are great for organising your sewing room.  I made the black one above for myself plus another woodland one. I'm sure I'll be making more in the future too.

If you'd like to make your own one the publishers, Cico Books, have kindly let me put the project from the book onto my site - find it here.

I'm hoping that once Julie starts I'll have even more time for sewing (and blogging).

What have you been making lately?  Do feel free to include links to pics/details in the comments.