
Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Goodbye 2010, hello 2011

Happy New Year

Sorry for the lack of posts for the last couple of weeks i've had horriffic flu and the last post in the Alphabet of sewing has not come through yet.  Hopefully it will be here by the weekend, if not i'll write it myself.  I've really enjoyed having such great guest bloggers on this blog and I hope you have too.  Working on the next idea as we speak....

I thought this would be a great chance to pick up on some of the most popular pots of last year to allow the new followers to see the best of what they have missed:

1) Protect Your Ideas

Number one on the list with the most views overall is the article I wrote back in May on how to protect your designs and ideas.  There have been a few high profile cases of design theft this year so it is well worth learning how you can try to stop people from stealing your ideas.

2) I is for Interfacing

In second place a winning post from our guest blogger Leah from Sewbox describes what interfacing is and how to use it, useful for any sewer. 

You'll find the post here:

3) Focus On.....Sew Curvy
Third place in our top 5 is a profile of Sew Curvy Corsets, an online store stocking corset making supplies and patterns.

The post is here:

Hopefully this won't make Julia from Sew curvy's head swell lol, but she was also in 5th Place with her post on C for Corsets which she kindly wrote for the alphabet of sewing.  I decided to include both of these under the one number to avoid duplication.

4) J is For Jelly Roll

The Alphabet of sewing certainly provided many popular posts including J is for Jelly rolls which was written by Amanda of Handmade by Button. Find out what a jelly roll is and what to do with it by reading the post here:

5) Bags, Bags, Bags

In 5th position is a post I wrote about bags and bag making with links to some bag making tutorials and places to buy bag patterns. I have to say this was in the days before I discovered U-Handbag and Lisa Lam's Bag Making Bible or they would have been included in the post too.

Hope you have all enjoyed 2010's posts as much as me and the guest bloggers have enjoyed writing them. Here's to another year of blogging!

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