Saturday, 22 June 2013

Life after Google Reader

As I'm sure all of your know by now on the 1st of July Google reader will be disappearing, not long left to go!  Now we are all having to find alternative options to stream blogs and follow them.  I spent a while reading up on all the different options, I was torn between Blog Lovin' which a lot of crafters seem to use, and Feedly.

In the end I opted for Feedly, thinking if  I didn't like it I'd switch to Blog Lovin'.  However I am really liking Feedly.  It automatically linked to my Google reader and moved all the blogs over within seconds.  It has a nice magazine style lay out which highlights the most popular blog posts at the top (the featured ones in the image).  Also it has android apps so I can synch it with my phone and tablet too.

It's very easy to add a new blog in and split blogs into categories (see the list on the left).  Now I just need the time to actually read all the posts, over 999 unread!

I've added a few new follow options to the side of this blog, to the rifht, so you can follow through Blog Lovin', subscribe by e-mail or import the RSS feed into whatever reader you are using.

What readers are you all using now and how are you finding them?


Catherine said...

Just downloaded it. Love how it imported all rt he blogs I read

Archie The Wonder Dog said...

I love Feedly! They've got a 'follow me' button to add to your blog now but I needed help to use it - see the conversation on Twitter!

Pippa Parsons said...

love Feedly, works great on android too and the button rocks now :)

Blogging tips