52 books in 52 weeks
The start of this year I decided that work was taking over way too much of my life and I had stopped doing the things I loved, like reading because I was working so much. The first 2-3 years of my business I think I read about 5-10 books a year, I used to read that in a month.
So I decided to set myself the challenge of reading 52 books in the year, equivalent to one per week. I logged my progress on this blog here. After a bit of a false start with a book I just couldn't get into I kept up a fairly steady pace for most the first half of the year. However once I started writing my book in July I suddenly found myself reading a lot less and just missed out on hitting my target.

I get so easily sucked into books and can't put them down that I know not to start a book when I have a very busy week ahead. Or I'll end up exhausted from staying up half the night reading and not be able to manage much work. So I did have to exercise self restraint a few times and just not start a book.
#52books 2014

After I announced my challenge last year several other people asked if they could join in so we set up a Twitter list and all used the hash tag #52books to keep each other up to date with our progress. I'm just waiting to hear back as to how everyone did but I think most people found similar to me. They didn't quite hit 52 but did end up reading more as a result of the challenge.
I've decided that I got so close this year, and by the start of Feb I should have finished writing my book so may have more reading time again so I'm going to try the challenge again in 2014.
Who fancies trying it with me?
I've decided to set up a Facebook group so we have more space to talk about how we're getting on and what we're reading. Join in here.
I really feel I ought to sign up for this challenge. I used to read voraciously - sometimes having 3 or 4 books on the go at once. However, since my iPad came into my life I spend far too much time online! Oh dear, I'm beginning to feel very guilty!
I think you did amazingly well!! I too have set myself a personal book challenge fro 2014, but I'm being realistic and aiming for about 14 books, not 52! Another good idea is Audio books, I've joined Audible and it's amazing, as I can sew and listen. So that will up my annual book count somewhat, if that counts!!
Even though I read every day, I struggle to finish my books in a timely fashion {you see, I never want to leave some of them} so I could use a gentle nudge! As long as I can get them on Kindle ~~ for I have no room at the inn for more hard copy books!
Reading more books for pleasure is on my 2014 goals list. I love reading but haven't read as much as I would like to in the last couple of years. So I think I will join in with your challenge.
I was exactly the same when I started my small business - but when I was bought a Kindle one Christmas, everything changed and I started reading much more! I adore reading and at one time felt maybe I was reading a little bit too much (it felt like a guilty pleasure). Now, having two parents with Alzheimer's, and doing quite a bit of research on how to help prevent the same thing happening to me, I've discovered reading novels is actually one of the things recommended for staving off mental decline! Whether it works or not, I shall enjoy my reading pleasure much less guiltily as it obviously has some serious health benefits!
Best wishes for your 2014 reading challenge!
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