Tuesday, 15 November 2011

New office!

As some of you may know i've spent the last couple of months making endless cups of tea for builders (they need 1 every hour apparantly!) whilst they have converted my garage into an office and playroom (so I can work whilst my son plays).

It's been a hard couple months with countless delays, problems and ever escalating costs but finally it's all done!  I now have a proper office to work from, and will hopefully be better able to seperate work & home life, a big challenge for many of us who work from home.  I'm still fiddling around with the layout but i've put a few pics of the before and after below. 

Great brickwork from the previous builders

The roof consisted of rotton wood, inches of concrete and ivy holding it all together!

The shoddy workmanship was apparant throughout 
Thankfully the new garage is watertight, all gaps have been filled and all walls supported, plus it's been well insulated and carpeted to keep it nice and warm in there.  In fact it's actually warmer than the house now!  I've barracaded myself into a corner with my office furniture (i've added a bit more furniture after the pics below) in an attempt to keep little fiddling fingers out of my stuff...
Pretending to work...

The boss! He's such a slavedriver!

Never too young to learn to sew...

The playroom side of the room

I will be spending the next week or so moving furniture, my work stuff and my son's toys out there but it is almost there!  The best thing of it all is I will finally have space to get my sewing machine out, and if I try to leave the laptop out there I might be able to squeeze in some hand sewing in front of the tv in the evening.  I really want to learn to embroider so will try to get started on that in the evenings soon.


Caroline Lovis (Redneedle) said...

Lucky you! Enjoy your new space!

sorbetsurprise said...

Wow it looks really good, can't believe the state of the old brickwork, how did it stay up?

The Sewing Directory said...

Thanks Caroline, getting my wifi sorted today and then I can get out there!

I'm shocked the old brickwork hadn't come down before too. There's a couple of huge red steel girders just under the toof which the builders reckoned were the only thing that kept it standing! They were too scared to remove them in case it all came down...

Lizzet said...

Wow! Great that the nasty work is finished, now the fun part begins and you can decorate it!
I know what is like to work from home on the dining table and, worst of, in the living room! So many distractions!!
I am happy for you both, I am sure you will both enjoy it ;)

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